Clear Aligners is a popular orthodontic treatment for both teens and adults. However, Clear Aligners is also recommended for the early treatment of orthodontic problems in kids under the age of twelve.
Using a series of clear, custom-made aligners, Clear Aligners slowly moves teeth into the proper position over time.
Clear aligners are made of smooth, comfortable plastic that is practically invisible when worn.
Likewise, Clear aligners are easy to take off, so they won't get in the way of children eating, drinking, or brushing their teeth.
If you're considering using Clear Aligners for your child's orthodontic treatment in Edinburg, keep reading and find out which four major factors are worth considering.
Clear Aligners has been proven to be an effective teeth straightening method for patients of all ages. It has also been an excellent option for kids who are self-conscious about metal braces.
Clear Aligners is also removable, so kids can continue eating the foods they love while brushing and flossing their teeth quickly.
The unique features allow the aligners to get faster results while still being comfortable during all phases. They recommend this option over traditional metal braces if you look into orthodontic treatments such as brackets or wires!
Likewise, Clear Aligners is nearly invisible, so people will not be able to tell that you are wearing them.
Clear Aligners are also removable, so you can take them out for special occasions such as pictures or pool parties.
Clear Aligners is a popular treatment for kids and adults, but it's only suitable for some cases.
In some cases, metal braces or even orthognathic surgery may be needed to achieve the desired results.
If you're considering Clear Aligners, the best way to find out if it's suitable for you or your child is to consult an orthodontist.
They will be able to assess your individual case and tell if Clear Aligners is the best course of action. In most cases, Clear Aligners is an efficient treatment that can produce great results.
However, Clear Aligners may not be appropriate for severe misalignment cases.
If this is the case, Dr. Alvarado will recommend an a perfect Clear Aligners treatment plan.
Consulting with an orthodontist is the best way to ensure that you or your child receive the best possible treatment.
Clear Aligners is a popular orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth for kids and adults.
The Lakes Family Dental in Edinburg, TX, is proud to offer Clear Aligners treatment to kids, and teenagers in the surrounding schools such as Vanguard Academy, Cambridge Academy, De Escandon Elementary, and more, with Dr. Alvarado.
One of the benefits of Clear Aligners is that it is nearly invisible, so many people won't even know you're straightening your teeth.
Clear Aligners is also removable for eating and brushing, so you can continue to eat all your favorite foods and brush and floss normally.
Early treatment has heaps of advantages, including a shorter duration of treatment, lower costs, and prevention of more serious dental problems in the future.
In most cases, it is possible to avoid braces altogether!
At The Lakes Family Dental, we want you to be proud to show off your smile. With the help of our skilled
team of dental experts, we'll be able to figure out the best way to fix your SMILE and assist you every step of the way to make sure the end result is perfect for you.
Set up an appointment and take advantage of a Free Clear Aligners Consultation session with the staff at Lakes Family Dental to finally treat your Underbite, Overbite and Misaligned Teeth!
Monday 8:30AM–12:30PM, 2–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12:30PM, 2–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12:30PM, 2–5PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM, 2–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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